Phantasmagoria game girl name
Phantasmagoria game girl name

phantasmagoria game girl name

  • Chekhov's Skill: Adrienne mentions early that she took Latin classes in college, which lets her read Carno's spellbook to send the demon back whence it came.
  • She uses it later on the fully-possessed Don to burn the hell out of his face and save her own skin.

    phantasmagoria game girl name

    Don asks Adrienne early on for some drain cleaner to help with his darkroom project she buys him some the next day and it's never spoken of again.Though not quite to the extent one might expect it's not enough to snap Don out of his possessed state for real, only to buy Adrienne enough time to do him in. Again, this eliminated the rape scene and some of the more disturbing depictions, which is likely what the Saturn version was based on. The original English game also included a more family-friendly option that parents could turn on, locking the original behind a password.It also skips the Rape as Drama scene that starts chapter 4, instead starting with Adrienne crying on her bed after the ordeal. The Japanese Saturn port heavily edits the death scene flashbacks Adrienne sees at certain parts of the game, usually removing any Gross-Up Close-Up shots of Carno's wives being killed.Blood Magic: Adrienne needs to spill some drops of her blood on Carno's talisman to enact the ritual to exorcise the Demon.The Bluebeard: Carno, as a result of a demonic possession.Though as seen in the sequel, she does eventually get her book published. She's also left in a near-catatonic state, no doubt emotionally scarred for life. Bittersweet Ending: Adrienne successfully defeats Carno and lifts the curse, but Don had to be killed in order to do so.Ax-Crazy: A natural result of the demonic possession.Awesome McCoolname: Zoltan "Carno" Carnovasch.It's entirely possible that Don Kicked the Dog and did the kitty in, himself. At least, that's what she believes, given that she saw Cyrus messing with him before. And Call Him "George"!: Cyrus accidentally kills Adrienne's beloved cat Spazz.

    #Phantasmagoria game girl name full#

    Aside from the full motion video and gruesome death scenes, the games have little in common in terms of setting and atmosphere, and the storylines have only a very loose connection. An In Name Only sequel, Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh, was released in 1996.

    Phantasmagoria game girl name